Spiritwear for School Fundraising
Step-By-Step Instructions:

How To Create a Fundraising Roadmap


As a nonprofit organization, it is essential to have a solid plan for fundraising. Without a clear strategy for generating income, it can be stressful and challenging to achieve your goals. Furthermore, there is a much higher chance of failure if you don't have a plan in place. 

If your organization has been holding off on creating a detailed fundraising plan, you're not alone. Developing an effective plan can be challenging, especially if your goals are likely to change frequently. However, having a well-thought-out plan can help you avoid making compromises or dipping into operating reserves.

What you need is a fundraising roadmap.

A fundraising roadmap is a plan of action that guides your fundraising activities. It outlines your fundraising objectives and how you will achieve them. This can be for the year ahead or for a multi-year period.

Having a fundraising roadmap can be incredibly beneficial for your organization. It makes it much easier to stay organized and avoid wasting time and resources on strategies that are unlikely to be successful. Because the majority of the planning is done upfront, you can avoid last-minute panics. Everyone involved in your fundraising efforts will know what is expected of them and what the plan of action is.

Additionally, you don't have to rush to react to situations. By planning ahead, you have plenty of time to impress potential donors and plan successful fundraising events. There is also a much lower risk of drifting away from your original plans.

You can even use your fundraising roadmap as a fundraising tool itself. By showing it to stakeholders, large donors, potential partners, and foundations, you can demonstrate that you have a solid plan that has been well thought out. They will be able to see the impact that their support will have, which can make them more likely to provide funding.

Step-By-Step Instructions

In this article, we will go through a step-by-step guide on how to create a fundraising roadmap for your organization.

  • Step 1: Determine How Much Needs to be Raised:

    The first step in creating a fundraising roadmap is to determine how much money needs to be raised. To do this, you should consider the cost of delivering your programs and services. While this is an obvious thing to focus on, it is only part of the story for most organizations.

    You should also factor in your planned expenses, such as administration, overhead, and staffing costs. When you have all of these figures, you will know how much you need to raise to deliver your mission and meet your overhead costs.

    It is worth noting that your total operating budget for the year ahead or multi-year period may be higher or lower than you expected. This can be especially true if your organization hasn't reviewed its financial goals in a while.

    One pro tip is to understand and set out your organization's Internal Rate of Return (IRR). This can help donors see how their support can help you be more sustainable. Large donors may be particularly encouraged by this as they can see the long-term benefits of their donations.

  • Step 2: Assess Your Current Situation:

    The next step in your fundraising roadmap is to assess your current financial situation. A key part of this is knowing what funds are going to be coming in.

    Do you have any committed funding sources in place already? This could be from grants, membership programs, or private sponsorship, for example. Work out what income you can definitely rely on and compare it to the figure you reached in Step 1. This will give you the shortfall that you will need to raise from other funding sources.

  • Step 3: Look Back on Your Previous Fundraising Campaigns:

    Reflecting on your previous fundraising efforts can be incredibly useful in guiding your plans this time around.

    Linking them back to your nonprofit's mission can also be helpful. Has your mission changed since you were first founded? If so, the programs and services that your organization offers may need to change as well.

    Reassessing how your mission and service delivery align with your fundraising efforts can help you determine which strategies should be continued and which should be modified or replaced.

  • Step 4: Set Fundraising Goals

    Once you have a good understanding of your current financial situation and have reviewed your previous fundraising campaigns, it's time to set your fundraising goals. It's essential to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.

    Consider both short-term and long-term goals. For example, you may have a short-term goal of raising $50,000 in the next six months to fund a specific program. Your long-term goal may be to increase your annual fundraising total by 25% over the next three years.

    It's also important to assign responsibilities for achieving these goals. Who will be responsible for identifying potential donors? Who will be in charge of organizing fundraising events? Make sure everyone knows their role in achieving the organization's fundraising goals.

  • Step 5: Develop Fundraising Strategies:

    Now that you have your goals in place, it's time to start thinking about how you will achieve them. Consider a variety of options, such as events, grants, sponsorships, online fundraising, and others. Determine which strategies align with your organization's mission and goals.

    Create a timeline for implementing each strategy. For example, you may want to start researching grant opportunities in the next month and submit your first grant application in three months.

  • Step 6: Create a Budget

    Once you have your fundraising strategies in place, it's essential to create a budget. Determine the cost of each strategy, as well as the potential revenue. This will help you ensure that you are on track to meet your fundraising goals.

  • Create a Timeline

    In addition to a budget, it's also crucial to create a timeline. Determine the order in which each strategy will be implemented and assign deadlines for each task. Make sure to include key milestones and deadlines in your timeline.

  • Step 7: Implement and Monitor the Roadmap

    Once you have your fundraising roadmap in place, it's time to put it into action. Follow the timeline and budget that you have created, and make adjustments as needed. It's essential to communicate with stakeholders and report on progress regularly.

Having a well-planned and well-executed fundraising roadmap is crucial for the success of any nonprofit organization. By creating a clear plan and timeline for your fundraising activities, you can increase your chances of achieving your goals.

We hope that this step-by-step guide has been helpful in creating a successful fundraising roadmap for your organization. With careful planning and execution, you can raise the funds needed to make a real impact in your community.

Find Additional Fundraising Ideas!

Click on the links below to find even more awesome fundraising ideas and how to run them!

Looking for a Simpler Fundraising Solution?

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